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Save Money on Prescriptions

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Have you ever been surprised at the pharmacy?

Told that one of your medicines will cost three times (or even more) than what you are expecting to pay? 

Take control of that situation! Don’t let it control you!

I’ll show you how to save up to 80% instantly with no membership fees at all by using RxSaver By RetailMeNot.

It’s easy!

Simply use , a free tool, that is available online and as an app.


Do you know what happened to me? It’s astounding!

When I pulled up to the pharmacy drive-through window, the girl in the red smock looked at me with a worried frown. “I’m sorry, but your insurance is coming back with a very large co-pay on this medication and I don’t know why it has changed so drastically because your copay until now has been free.”  

I’m imagining something like a $30 copay

With an eye roll, I say, “How much THIS time?”. 

“Ummm……. $645.00 for a 30 day supply”.

WHAT? (feeling gut punched and near passing out).

As a Registered Nurse with a Master’s Degree, an advanced certification and years of experience in insurance coverage, I’m wondering how anyone can figure this insurance puzzle out? It’s confusing even to me!


But I’ve got an easy, stress free answer.

Here is one of the best ways to start saving on medications immediately! 

Pink pills spilled across the receipt showing 0.67 bill


Use  and you’ll be empowered! You will know the cost of the drugs before you buy!  You can compare and find the best prices available near you. 

No more drive-through surprises! 

So now, I use before I visit the pharmacy. I shop around and find the best value and I pick up my prescriptions with confidence. 

RxSaver works whether you have insurance or not!


Just follow these simple steps on your computer

  1. Go to RxSaver and enter your drug name and zip code (so it can find pharmacies near you). 
  2. Click the “Compare Prices” button
  3. The next screen you see will show the price of that medication with the RxSaver Coupon.

If you prefer to use the App on your cell phone, follow these instructions instead: 

  1. Search for and download the app from the app store on your phone (it’s free) (Search RxSaver). 
  2. Open the App once it downloads. 
  3. Type in the name of the drug you are searching for.
  4. The app will prompt you to enter your zip code or allow the app to use your GPS location.
  5. Then you’ll see the prices of the medication at pharmacies near you using the RxSaver Coupon! 

Savings are based on pharmacy cash price but RxSaver can end up saving you up to 80% off your prescription. 

Why wouldn’t you want to know the price of your medication before you go to the pharmacy?

Green paper with list of things to do including RxSaver, pill bottle and pill packet



Back when this situation happened to me, my only recourse was to visit my doctor again (pay another copay) and come up with a new course of action. 

My doctor prescribed something else that is covered by my insurance and I am ok now.

However, wouldn’t it be better to go with the original treatment plan and not a backup plan that interrupted my medication schedule for a few days while we sorted things out? 

Of course it would! 

So, problem solved, now I use RxSaver by RetailMeNot first. I have found that sometimes the savings are even better than my insurance company can give me! 


Yes, that’s true. 

overhead shot of laptop with RxSaver pulled up, coffee mug and pill bottle


So, now it’s up to you! How much do you want to save on your prescriptions? 

A simple search is all it takes and you can save money right away!


Thanks RxSaver! Now we are empowered to take back control of our prescription prices and are armed with the best and latest information!

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