“The fruits and veggies are to DIE for!”. That is my main observation of California – because – Wow, ya’ll, those are awesome fruits and veggies! You might have already have heard about the farm to table movement in Sacramento. It is a thing, for sure. However, there’s something that we do just as right here in the south my friend, and that is PEACHES! So, set your cute little peaches down somewhere, grab a chip and enjoy my version of Best Ever Peach and Fruity Salsa.
The really nice thing about this Best Ever Peach and Fruity Salsa is that you can make it without turning on the stove top, without going out to the grill (although, if you wanted to grill the peaches and pineapple first – hey – That might be a terrific idea…) or without turning on the oven. You CAN turn on your food processor to make this if you want – I just don’t happen to have one. And NOT turning on hot appliances is a clear bonus in this dripping August Heat (or, if you are in California – this sizzling August heat).
So recipe seekers – here is your recipe for Best Ever Peach and Fruity Salsa- I hope that ya’ll will join me for the Tips and Tricks, some talk about the International Food Bloggers Conference, some Loaves and Dishes Fans, Snap Chat and more – just below here.

Best Ever Peach and Fruity Salsa

Best Ever Peach and Fruity Salsa
- 3 cloves of garlic - minced
- 1 red onion - chopped as small as possible
- 1 red bell pepper - chopped into pencil eraser size bits
- 1 jalapeno - seeds and ribs removed and chopped small
- 3 limes - zest and juice
- ½ can of peaches - peaches chopped in pencil eraser size bits - reserve the juice
- 1 Cup chopped cilantro - two bunches
- 2 fresh peaches - chopped into pencil eraser size bits
- ½ cup chopped strawberry - about 8 strawberries
- ½ cup chopped pineapple fresh or canned
- 2 tsp fresh ginger - grated
- ¾ tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1 tsp vanilla good quality - NOT imitation
- 1 ½ tsp Balsamic Vinegar good quality
- 2 tsp brown sugar
- Chop all ingredients as indicated in the ingredient list and mix together gently in a medium sized mixing bowl. Add the remainder of the ingredients and mix well - but gently.
- Serve immediately with chips for dipping or as a garnish for your dish
Hey, do ya’ll think that maybe you could tell Sweet Hubby that I would like to have a food processors as a gift for some occasion some time.
I know some of you are going to fuss about the number of ingredients in this peach and fruity salsa. I know many of you prefer things that are about 3 ingredients – I do too – but honey, sometimes you just gotta throw the spices to it – and this is one of those times. I promise, you won’t be sorry.
- Cut all of the fruits and veggies to approximately the same size – except the purple onion and garlic – cut those as small as you are able.
- Chop the strawberries a tiny bit larger – cause – I am not sure what happens to strawberries – but they shrink incredibly fast.
- This recipe makes enough for a polite group of people to have a few spoonfuls on their plate. Sweet Hubby and I do not fall in the category of “polite group of people” when we are scarfing down a new delicious – low cal – good for you recipe while binge watching breaking bad. The two of us ate almost the entire thing in one sitting. So, just saying… calibrate the amount by the group you are serving. I put serving size – according to my “polite group of people” measurements.
- The first time I made this recipe, I also made a new pressure cooker recipe with boneless skinless chicken thighs, black beans and rice. Just let me tell you – the combo of this salsa with that dish topped with a dollop of sour cream was OUT OF THIS WORLD! I’ll try to remember that when I post that pressure cooker recipe (which can also be made in the crock pot – just takes substantially longer). I would bet my bippy (where I keep that, I have no idea) that this would also be super delicious with any pork – pork steaks, country pork ribs or even ham. I just haven’t had the chance to try it with those yet.
- If you live with someone who often says, “I”m not going to eat that because I don’t think I’ll like it”, just do what I did to sweet hubby. When he walked in the back door – I dipped a chip in some, ate it and then said, “Here I want you to try something”, dipped up a chip and stuck it in his mouth. He said, “Hmmm…. That is good” – then he walked over and looked in the bowl. He said, “well, I would have said that I don’t like that stuff if you hadn’t just poked it in my mouth”. Better to ask forgiveness than permission in some instances – this is one.
- You will see – down in the “Inspiration section” – how I came to create this recipe. The requesters asked for “just a touch of cilantro”. I tried one bunch of cilantro (about ½ cup before chopping) and it just wasn’t enough – couldn’t taste it. So, I doubled it. If Cilantro isn’t your thing – then, by all means, adjust the amount.This salsa gets more and more juicy the longer it sets. So – if it is too juicy for you – just drain the juice off. If you want more juice – add some of the syrup from the canned peaches.
- This salsa gets more and more juicy the longer it sets. So – if it is too juicy for you – just drain the juice off. If you want more juice – add some of the syrup from the canned peaches.
- The reason for the canned peaches is because it adds some sweetness that also has some peachy flavor to it. Sometimes fresh peaches are a tiny bit sour – rather than sweet – but you can depend on canned peaches to be sweet every time.
- You Might Also Like my Watermelon Fruit Salad!
Best Ever Peach and Fruity Salsa
Hey! I want ya’ll to see this!! I am so happy to report that I DO INFACT have a couple of fans out there! A couple of weeks ago I received a text from the Best Bestie (not the text about making the Chocolate Grilled Cheese from my previous post – a different text – ‘cause you know, we text all the time). Best Bestie said that she and her friends from work were eating out somewhere and had really enjoyed the fruit salsa. The text said, “My work ladies love your blog and they request a recipe for fruit salsa that has red onion, peaches, strawberries, pineapple and a mere touch of cilantro. We would send a picture but they ate it all”. Best Bestie didn’t eat a bite – she isn’t a fan of red onion.
Not only do my fans have great ideas for recipes, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!! Just look! (And – HEY! If there is a recipe you would like to see on Loaves and Dishes – please just shoot me an email – wendi (at sign) lovesanddishes (dot) net. I promise to answer – and if your idea fits in with the plan I’m planning – you will see it here!!! Whoot whoot!!! Plus – send me your picture! I love to see who I am talking too! I promise not to share it here unless I ask first!
Some REAL fans of Loaves and Dishes!!! Can you BELIEVE it??? 🙂 Makes me so happy! PHOTO CREDIT – PHOTOGRAPHER MARCIA KILBY RETHWILM
So, dear work ladies of my best bestie – here you go. I hope you enjoy the recipe. I know that sweet hubby and I have enjoyed the heck out of it! In fact, I had to threaten him with “ DO NOT EAT ALL THE SALSA, I have to make a picture!”. I have no idea if it will taste like your delicious restaurant recipe – but I promise – it is tasty!
Now- the trick would be – if we could get the fruit from California where I was just visiting the International Food Blog Conference to jump in my salsa here!! Whoa! Delicious fruit – but then again, I already said that. I don’t even have a picture of the California fruit – cause I ate it all. Does that sound familiar? Lol.
Instead and most noteworthy, here is a picture of Sarah and me as we were learning about Snap Chat! Do you Snap Chat? If so, Snap me!! Here is my Snap Code!

Wendi and Sarah playing with SnapChat

Wendi playing with Snap Chat… I’m learning!

Wendi’s snap code
Yours truly is not great with Snap Chat yet – but I would love to snap with you! I would especially LOVE LOVE LOVE to see any photos of recipes that you make! So – Snap me up! 🙂 Is that a thing? What are the right terms for Snap Chatting? You know, I want to be especially relevant!
In conclusion, finally and at last…. Thanks IFBC for teaching me the basics of Snap Chatting!
As you know, I’ve been covering Jesus’ sermon on the mount in my past few posts. I think it is especially relevant to today. I find it especially important to know what Jesus said, you know, since I am His follower. I hope this verse will lift you in the ways you need. Remember, God knows your needs. I find myself needing to remind myself of this occasionally – thought I would remind you too. Mostly – I want you to know that I love you too. ~w
9 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us today our daily bread. 12 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ 14 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:9-15)
Friday 2nd of February 2018
Thursday 11th of August 2016
Love the "chattiness" of this post! This recipe looks so delicious and easy to make. No stovetop or oven is a big bonus. Tell your hubby, " I said you need a food processor immediately if not sooner." It will be so good with grilled pork steak. Going on my menu plan. Pinned. Photos of you and Sarah are so pretty! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Christy Lett
Thursday 11th of August 2016
We love your Best Bestie and can't wait to try this recipe. I'm one of the fans in the pic. :)
Wendi Spraker
Thursday 11th of August 2016
Hi Christy! Thanks for visiting! I hope this recipe measures up to the salsa you had in the photo! If it isn't the same - at least I can say, "It's darn good!" And..... That best bestie is absolutely the best!!!!