Want to know ALL THE THINGS about how to freeze raw beef? Sure you DO! It’s EASY, FAST and AFFORDABLE! Save some money friend!
Why This Recipe Works?
- Fast
- Easy
- Saves Money!
How It’s Done
STEP 1. Label the freezer bag with today’s date, how many and what is in the bag. You may also want to put a “USE BY” date that is 6 months to 1 year from now.
STEP 2. Place the beef Into the Freezer Bag
STEP 3. Close the freezer bag and squeeze out as much air as you can.
How To Freeze Beef
To freeze beef, first place the beef into the freezer storage bag and lay them as flat as possible. Squeeze out as much air from the bag as you can. Label the bag with today’s date, how many and what is inside. You may want to put a “USE BY” date for 6 months to 1 year from now.
How Long Can I Freeze Beef?
Freeze whole cuts of beef like steaks, ribs, roasts, et., wrapped well with no air in the package (as described below), kept at zero degrees for up to a year. Freeze ground beef for 6 months.
How To Use Frozen Beef?
Simply thaw the beef and use it in any of these recipes!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Can You Freeze Raw Beef?
Yes! You can freeze raw beef and it only takes a few minutes to do! So, the next time you find beef on sale or you are not going to be able to eat the meat you bought! Simply put it in a freezer bag, label it and put it in the freezer!
How Long Can You Keep Beef in the Freezer?
Frozen meat is generally good for 4 months – 1 year, however, according to the USDA, meat kept at 0 degrees is good indefinitely. To be safe though, I don’t keep meat for more than a year and I check it for freezer burn before using if I know its been in there for a while!
Is It Safe To Eat Two Year Old Frozen Beef?
That really depends on how well the meat has been wrapped, how much air is in the package and how steady the temp has been in the freezer. If the meat has been kept solidly at 0 degrees, then it should be fine. If you notice many ice crystals, it is probably time to throw it out.
Can You Freeze Cooked Beef?
Yes! Absolutely you can freeze a cooked Beef. It is the same procedure as the raw beef. Make sure to label your package and use it in the next 4 months or so.
Cooked Beef doesn’t keep nearly as long as raw beef, so take that into consideration in your dinner plans. Use it pretty quickly.
How To Freeze Cooked Beef
Use the same procedure as freezing raw beef, put the beef in a freezer bag, remove as much air as possible and label the bag. Freeze for up to 4 months.
Do I Salt Beef Before Freezing?
You do NOT need to salt beef before freezing. When you thaw the beef, then you will want to salt it or marinate it or do whatever preparations you usually do to your beef before cooking it.
Does Freezing Beef Make It Tough?
Freezing does not make your beef tough. Freezing it does not tenderize it either though so, whatever quality of beef you start with is the quality of beef that you will end up with.
How Long Can You Freeze Beef?
You can freeze beef, if handled properly and kept at the right temperature for a year.
How To Thaw Beef
To thaw beef, Fill a large bowl or a clean kitchen sink with tepid (room temperature) water. Place the frozen beef in a sealable plastic bag bag. Place the beef filled bag into the water. Turn the beef over every 10 minutes and replace the water if it becomes cold. The beef will thaw in about 20-40 minutes depending on how thick the package is.
Does Freezing Beef Affect the Taste?
Freezing a beef does not affect its taste as long as it has not been freezer burnt. Freezer burnt meat does not taste good.
How To Freeze Beef to Avoid Freezer Burn.
The main points in freezing beef is to avoid freezer burn …
- Remove as much air as possible from the bag.
- Make sure there are no holes in your sack.
- Keep the frozen beef at a steady temp as close to 0 as possible.
Is It Safe to Refreeze Thawed Beef That Has Already Been Frozen?
According to the USDA, it is safe as long as the meat has been handled properly. That said, my mother always taught me to NEVER do this. It is BEST to cook the meat and then freeze it if you are needing to store it for a while.
Meat that has been refrozen after being thawed without being cooked first will lose some of its textural qualities and may have a slightly funny taste. Here is a great reference on freezing and refrigerating foods of various types.
How To Know If Frozen Meat Is Bad
Look at the meat very well, is it covered with large amounts of ice crystals? Does the meat appear white and dry? How long has it been in the freezer?
If you notice….
- The meat appears encased in ice crystals or frost
- Meat is very light colored and dry
- The meat has been in the freezer longer than 6 months.
- There was a lot of air in the package.
Then, the meat might be bad and you should throw it out.
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How to Freeze Raw Beef
- 1 lb Raw Meat Beef, Lamb, Pork, etc.
- Label the freezer bag with a sharpie marker to indicate what will be in the bag and how many. Label with today's date and a "USE BY" date (6 months to 1 year from now).
- Place the steaks into the freezer bag and lay flat
- Squeeze as much air as possible from the bag.
- Seal the bag.
- Place the bag of steaks into the freezer and lay flat so that they will freeze flat.
- Use good quality freezer bags (this doesn't necessarily mean name brand). Just check to make sure that the bag feels heavy and thick in your hand and that the seal works very well.
- It's so easy to use the type of bag with the zippers, but I've had more bag failures with the zipper bags than with the press and seal type bags.
- Buy yourself a sharpie marker to keep in the kitchen in your "junk" drawer OR tape it to the front of your freezer bag box. Then you'll always have one.
- The flater that you can make the bag, the better for saving space in your freezer.
- When putting things in the freezer, put the newer things on the bottom of the stack so that the older things are near the top and you'll use those first.
- Squeeze air out of the bag after you put the meat into the bag by rolling it up. Air in the bag will equal freezer burn later.
Sometimes when I write “A verse to share” I just pray that God will lead me to the right verse for someone who needs it to read. Here is where I was lead today. If it means something to you, then I encourage you to act on it. If you are breathing, it isn’t too late. YOU are worthy. You have the crown, all you have to do is put it on.
Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God
Friday 27th of September 2019
Just what I needed!
Wendi Spraker
Friday 27th of September 2019