Imagine being wrapped up in a cozy quilt, kicked back on the couch in front of the fireplace with a giant mug full of steaming soup! Fall soups time is here and I can’t wait to share my favorites!

Fall Soups Time is HERE!
Nothing is more rewarding and fun than cooking up a big ol pot of your favorite fall soups when the weather turns a little cooler, right?
You might think that making soup is hard, but the truth is that nothing is easier AND there’s very little opportunity to mess things up!
Fall is all about comfy warm and cozy!

The Secret to Making Perfect Soup
You are probably wondering if there is a secret to making perfect fall soups and I’m going to share a few with you here…
- You’ll need some type of stock or broth for most soups. Buying store bought is fine, but your final soup will be SO MUCH BETTER if you start with homemade broth! I show you how to do that here with Chicken Stock.
- Soup is a GREAT way to use up bits of leftover meats and vegetables! No worries if they are already cooked! Precooked veggies and meats just make the soup process go faster!
- There is no right or wrong result, if you like what you made, then you’ve done it right!
- A classic issue with soups is not giving it enough salt. If your soup doesn’t taste quite right, add some salt and see if that helps!
- Don’t skimp on herbs and spices. Herbs and spices usually MAKE the soup, so be generous with them.

Here’s How You Make Soup:
- Saute any onions, celery or vegetable you will use for seasoning as well as any meats that need to brown.
- Consider giving any spices you will use a chance to brown with the onions as this will enhance their flavor.
- Add broth or water (broth will yield more flavor ultimately).
- Add any precooked meats and vegetables. Leave any extremely delicate vegetables until near the end.
- Check your fluid level and make sure you don’t need to add any more broth or water.
- Add seasonings that weren’t already added including any stock concentrate or bouillon cubes.
- Add any noodles or more delicate veggies that don’t need much to cook.
- Finish with creams, butter, milk etc.
- ladle into bowls and serve with garnish.
- ***OR open a can of soup and doctor it up!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Usually, creamy soups have cream, milk, sour cream or something added that makes that creamy element.
Sometimes, recipes will use day old bread that has been pulverized in a food processor or blenderized potatoes, avocados or other creamy vegetable.
There are a couple of ways to accomplish thickening…
1. Add 1-3 Tbs of cornstarch to an equal amount of water, stir until it looks like milk and then add to the soup. Repeat until thickened.
2. In the first step when sauteing onions or other veggies, add 1/4 cup of flour and allow it to cook with those. This will ultimately act as a thickener.
3. Use an immersion blender to blend up some of the contents of the soup. This works especially well for potato soups and bean soups.
Check out my kicked up Ramen Noodles. They are excellent, fun and will turn into whatever kind of noodle soup you prefer! Just add the veggies and meats you want!

What Can I Serve With Soup?
Oh! That’s an EASY one! In the colorful fall (or anytime), we LOVE grilled cheese or mac and cheese with ours! A delicious Cheese Bread works too!
I think I’m seeing a trend here! Hello Cheese!
If You Enjoy These Sides, You Might Also Enjoy…
- How To Freeze Soup
- Chicken Stock
- Preserving Chicken Stock
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Fall Soups
Delish fall soups that are ready for your stovetop and crockpot! Easy to put together but oh so awesome on the tongue! Delight your family today!
If you want to know what my Grandma Medlin's Dumplings tasted like, this is as close as I can get them.
Make this Easy Tomato Soup from items in your pantry in less than 30 minutes! No kidding. Fast, delish and homemade!
OK OK! Technically, I named this a summer soup BUT I assure you, it's great ANY TIME! You can find zucchini and squash at the grocery any time of the year and if you can't find them, simply sub in a veg that you enjoy like carrots, parsnips, peppers, etc.
Easy, Fast and Delicious! (and shhhhh..... good for you). Whip this one up in minutes!
The perfect thick and hearty fall and winter soup. There are step by step photo instructions, so you won't miss a beat!
This is literally one of my favorite soups, no kidding. You can't beat the zest and the zing with a 20ft long pole.
So yummy, hearty and filling.
Well, this one isn't homemade, but you'll be so happy you doctored up your canned soup this way!
Seriously, what could be easier than opening 8 cans and ending up with a scrumptious taco soup? Ummmm.... nothing. Super pantry friendly!
Love cheeseburgers? You'll love this soup too! Give it a go!
Love cream of mushroom soup and wish you had a great recipe for scratch made? Here you go! You won't be sorry!
I mean, come on. Potato cheese soup in a bread bowl? You'll love it!
A friend introduced me to his brunswick stew and I had to flavor this one up in a way that I love it.
Potatoes and Chicken are a no brainer together! Yum!
You'll want to save this one for Holiday leftovers and then, I bet you make extra mac and cheese from now on.
This is NOT your typical pumpkin spice recipe. Not at ALL! This has all the middle eastern flavors you love with that luscious pumpkin!
What's more to love than a homemade chicken noodle soup that is EASY? Nothing.
Literally throw it all in the crockpot and nothing is left to do but wait. This makes up in batches that feed about 8-10 so you don't need a party to enjoy it!
A request from a friend and I have to say, it's pretty darn good!
As I write this, it is the morning following a presidential debate and this verse is speaking to me, so I shall share it.
Romans 1:21
For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.