OH MY GOSH! Did you ever dream up something and then try it and have it turn out perfectly? It happens only rarely, right? Right! This CREAMY SPINACH STUFFED PIMENTO CHEESE CHICKEN is the result of just such a dream. Creamy, smooth, smoky, cheesy, garlicky and oh so perfect! Beautiful too! And… BACON!
Old Fashioned Chess pie is one of the most delicious and simplest pies on the planet enjoyed by absolutely EVERYONE! Try it and see! (BESIDES, IT’S EASY!)
Some things that you see here are just absolutely sinful, and this is one of them. Sorry. Not Sorry. I mean, come on, I’m the one sitting here with a full pan of these chocolate, peanut butter, marshmallow, crispy treats right in front of me smelling like pure HEAVEN. Chocolate Nutter Butter Crispy Treats are ready in …
The name is a mouthful but the bite is delicious! Blueberry Balsamic Chicken Salad is the bodacious creation that happened when trying to figure out what to do with the leftovers from Blueberry Balsamic Chicken! And now you know the rest of the story.
Need a GOURMET recipe for date night? Something restaurant quality, tasty and beautiful? How about if that dish was also EASY and even a little healthy? Beyond that, what if you could have the whole thing ready in 30 minutes start to finish? Yeah – I’ve got exactly that recipe today, Blueberry Balsamic Chicken.
There are a few great mysteries in the world. How did they make the pyramids? Is there a Loch Ness Monster? How do you make perfect, ‘best of summer’, squeezed, healthy, FRESH HOMEMADE LEMONADE CONCENTRATE? I can only help with the last answer. The others? We will just have to wonder.
Were you ever glad you took a picture of something because it was so fleeting that it was gone before you knew it? Yeah, me too. It applies RIGHT NOW! Because I am polishing off the rest of these CARAMEL M&M’S KICKING BROWN SUGAR COOKIES as I type this. THEY ARE THAT GOOD! I mean, …
9 Powerful Reasons to be Cooking with Kids Food and kids. Has there ever been a more frustrating combination in history? On the one hand you have kids who eat everything in sight and you worry about the eventual size of their mid-section. On the other hand you have kids who won’t touch a bite …
Easy 15 minute Beef and Rice and Corn Burrito This post was sponsored by Sunshine Sweet Corn as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. Have you seen the beautiful fresh Sunshine Sweet Corn at the grocery store? Like me, you’ve been wondering where …
Just what is a “hack” anyway? It sounds awful, like a phlegmy cough or something that happens in a horror movie. The idea of a “kitchen hack” sends my mind to places I’m not sure I want to go. When you say 31 Awesome Kitchen Hacks with Printable, I’m not even sure what you are …
Can you really imagine something better than hiding your veggies in cheese pulls and all kinds of wonderfulness? Yeah, I know, we save that for holidays right? Not anymore! Now, Broccoli Cheese Casserole for Two in a Crockpot is not just for a holiday crowd! Besides that it can be prepared in a crockpot, baked or even frozen …
You are SICK of paying a FORTUNE for spices, right? Why is one brand of spice $8.00 and another brand $2.50? It makes no sense and HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU SAVE MONEY ON SPICES???? HERE ARE 11 SMART WAYS TO SAVE MONEY ON HERBS AND SPICES.
Since the snow hit two weeks ago, I’ve totally been in the mood for winter. Except, of course, the last 3 days where the air feels bitter and biting and I have to actually wear a heavy coat when I go outside. I much prefer the type of winter where snow lingers, the sun is …
The BIG game day is coming soon! I know you need the PERFECT and easy dish to share! I have it and you’ll love it and you WILL BE THE STAR OF THE PARTY with Tennessee Whiskey Meatball Sliders! Promise!
My 15 month old grandson is teetering around my home office with a smear of dark chocolate on his chin and a big toothy grin on his face. It’s not appropriate to give chocolate to a baby, so don’t do it. I shouldn’t have admitted this to you. Besides, what if his mother reads this …
Why does Kentucky get to claim the easiest, tastiest, fluffiest, butteriest, simplest, richest, dog gone BEST pound cake everrrrrr? Isn’t Kentucky known for wildcats, NOT cakes! Might be, but This Easy Kentucky Pound Cake Proves that Butter has Never Looked Better and will have your grandma saying, “Well Smack My Mouth! I have to have …
Ever wonder why some baked beans are rich, thick, smoky, sweet, barbecuey (is that even a word?) and deeply delicious while yours are flavorless and pale? You’ve tried adding some molasses, ketchup, weenies, ground beef or maybe brown sugar to the store bought baked beans but…… nope. No use. Great news! I’m sharing my 7 …
It is an itch you just HAVE to scratch. No, It’s not a skin fungus – silly. It is a metaphorical itch. An itch to do something memorable and spectacular. Perhaps your itch is to do something you never did before. You want to complete a “bucket list” item? Conceivably, you might need to figure …
Amidst the festivities I know it seems a little difficult to know exactly what to do when someone says, “Hey, why don’t ya’ll come over for dinner on Friday?” or “Hey, let’s have a potluck for work – everyone bring something”. As for me, I work from home and my coworker is Pete. Pete never …
Here is my one sentence commercial for these classic Irresistible Peanut Butter Cookies: A tasty crunchy and yet chewy classic peanut butter cookie that is super simple and uses what you probably already have in your pantry!